Coalition Continues Push For Passage of Hugely Popular Legislation to Keep Minnesotans Safe and Healthy

SAINT PAUL – Jan. 26, 2021 — The Minnesotans for Paid Family & Medical Leave coalition, which brings together over 30 organizations who represent hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans across the state, praised Governor Walz’s inclusion of the Paid Family & Medical Leave bill in his budget proposal released today:

“Our broad, diverse coalition of community, faith, labor and small business groups commend Governor Walz for including Paid Family & Medical Leave in his budget. This last year has made clear that no matter our race, religion, zip code or income, the most important thing is the health and safety of our families. But right now, as corporations rack up record profits, most Minnesotans don’t have the ability to take time to be with their newborn child, keep themselves healthy if they get sick or be with a loved one in the final weeks of their life.

“Minnesotans are ready for bold action that sees us create the strongest state-run Paid Family & Medical Leave in the country. With its inclusion in Governor Walz’s budget, it’s time for the House and Senate to get to work passing this hugely popular legislation that would help thousands of families across Minnesota.”


Minnesotans for Paid Family and Medical Leave is a coalition of nearly 30 organizations co-chaired by Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota, ISAIAH, and the Minnesota AFL-CIO.

MPFML Members: AARP Minnesota, AFSCME Council 5, AFSCME Council 65, Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha, Children’s Defense Fund – Minnesota, Communications Workers of America State Council, Education Minnesota, Elders for Infants, Family Tree Clinic, Gender Justice, Greater Minnesota Worker Center, Hispanic Solutions Group, ISAIAH, Jewish Community Action, JustUsHealth, Land Stewardship Project, Main Street Alliance of Minnesota, MAPE, Midwest Doulas, Minnesota AFL-CIO, Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition, Minnesota Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, Minnesota Doctors for Health Equity, Minnesota Nurses Association, Minnesota Public Health Association, National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Minnesota, Northstar Policy Institute, Open Access Connections, Out Front Minnesota, Planned Parenthood, Prenatal to Three Coalition, SEIU – Minnesota, Simpson Housing Services, Superior Small Batch, TakeAction Minnesota, Thriver LLC, UFCW Local 6, UFCW Local 663, 1189, UNITE HERE, Vital Aging Network, Working America, and Workutopia Consulting LLC

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